
Historically, Spain has been the greatest sea power and the leading explorer of the blue planet. Although unknown to many, 500 years ago, the Spanish expedition begun by Magallanes and completed by Elcano, would change the world.

And this is how the DESAFÍO VICTORIA came about, inspired by the greatest adventure in history: a major project that involves the recovery of a legendary vessel in order to relive and dispute the greatest ocean challenge of all times: to sail around the world in a westerly direction.


Sporting challenge

A non-stop planetary race against the clock to break the absolute circumnavigation record in a westerly direction, taking on the winds and currents and powered exclusively by the forces of nature. This is the greatest feat imaginable and a unique test of endurance.

Circular challenge

Circumnavigating the planet in a westerly direction is not just a human and sporting challenge, but also a race against the clock to change our mentality and the future of the planet. In line with this, our boat is reused; it is powered by renewable energies; the food on board is sustainable and the water is purified. What’s more, we have a non-negotiable commitment to minimising our carbon footprint and the waste generated during the project.

We are embarking on this adventure in order to dispute the most ambitious of challenges: to lead a unique, historic and pioneering regatta that champions the principles of decarbonization, the circular economy and regenerative economics, educating and inspiring millions of people of all ages and from all over the world.

Global challenge

Five hundred years after the world was connected for the first time ever across the oceans, we are embarking on this circular sporting adventure, which is set to bring us together to face the greatest challenges of our days.

DESAFÍO VICTORIA encourages people, organizations, companies and institutions to join forces in the fight to regenerate our oceans.


Onboard crew
We are fortunate to have the talent and commitment of one of the world’s top ocean sailors, as well as a multidisciplinary international crew that combine experience and youth.



Spain’s best ocean sailor of the century. With a professional career spanning more than 20 years, he has notched up more than 400,000 nautical miles in all kinds of vessels. He has crossed the Atlantic fifty times, and the Equator twenty-five times, crossing the line in each ocean. He has also completed three competition circumnavigations and holds numerous records and accolades, including the Jules Verne Trophy, for circumnavigating the world in 40 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds.



Alex Pella’s right-hand man and a French ocean sailing legend, he has 40 years’ experience and is specialized in multihull boats. Together with Alex, he won the Transat Jacques Vabre.



A Canary Island yachtsman and a rising star in ocean sailing. He has competed in a number of European and world championships and is four-time winner of the Spanish Cup in the 29er category (light sailing).



This yachtsman from Alicante recently obtained a degree in Marine and Naval Engineering from Southampton University.



A Santander-born graduate in Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport, he is passionate about ocean sailing and a skilled yachtsman. Moreover, he has been involved in the construction of racing boats. With an impressive track record both nationally and internationally, he is a leading figure in the industry.

Land crew
Desafío Victoria receives the invaluable help and commitment of three outstanding collaborators who assist us in building this project on solid foundations and values.


Historian, essayist
and writer.

Sponsor of the MaxiCat Victoria. Elvira guarantees the exactitude of our communications, as well as the correct interpretation of the history and legacy that has inspired our project.


Professor of circular and
regenerative economics.

A leading international expert in circular and regenerative economics who advises us on the adoption and dissemination of practices aimed at conserving and regenerating marine ecosystems.


Physicist, professor and
oceanographic researcher.

One of the most brilliant Spanish female scientists of the moment, Elena helps us to disseminate knowledge of the oceans and to design our scientific programme in order to contribute to her research.


In keeping with the original adventure, the route, which begins and ends in Andalusia and aspires to be included on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list, will be made up of five timed stages:

Cape Horn

From Sanlúcar to Cape Horn. The most dangerous stage of the route.


Atravesar el Océano Pacífico hasta el Estrecho de Torres.


Crossing the Indian Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope.


Remontar el Atlántico hasta la Isla de Flores en Azores.


Back to the point of departure in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Alex Pella, whose achievements already include the record for circumnavigation in an easterly direction (the Jules Verne Trophy), will be the first challenger in the Elcano Ocean Trophy. His prior preparation will include tackling these 3 challenges:


The MAXICAT VICTORIA is an iconic ocean going multihull built in France between 1999 and the year 2000, and the two-time winner of the round-the-world race. This legendary vessel has now been recovered in order to promote the circular economy.

• A magnificent racing prototype.

• In itself, a practical example of the circular economy.

• A technological innovation laboratory.

• A platform for oceanographic research.

• A training ship for educational projects: navigation, leadership, the circular economy, etc.

• A unique platform for hospitality actions and marketing experiences.

• A mobile unit for generating multimedia content.


Design: Gilles olier
Length: 33,5 m.

Beam: 17,5 m.
Mast height: 42,6 m.

Displacement: 22Tn.
Max. speed: 44 kns.

Sail area. Upwind: 548 m2 Downwind: 990 m2


On September 6th, 2022, coinciding with the exact date of the V Centenary of the first Round- the-World Race, we created the Elcano Oceanic Trophy; a major international event consisting of a circumnavigation and CO2 neutral sailing challenge, following the footsteps of Magallanes and Elcano.

The nature of this challenge and its future repercussion make it the finest legacy to mark the V centenary of the first round-the-world voyage, as well as offering major recognition, positioning it on a global scale as:

• The trophy with the most history, established in 1522.
• The greatest sporting challenge, in terms of distance and competition time.
• And the cleanest, demanding a zero-emission and waste circumnavigation.
• Additionally, it’s inclusive; a test open to all boats and crews from around the world.



A project also needs a series of allies: sponsors and collaborators that share our values, are willing to provide financial support that will enable Spain to lead the race for the regeneration of the blue planet and that wish to embark on this unique adventure to change the world 500 years later.

Our thanks to all of you that have already joined the MaxiCat Victoria team; and to everyone wishing to embark on this project – we’re looking forward to welcoming you on board!

Official suppliers and collaborators:

FESTINA, the group’s flagship brand, will be responsible for accurately timing the various records and challenges the MaxiCat Victoria takes on.

and collaborators:

ECOALF, la marca española de ropa sostenible y reciclada, nos provee de la uniformidad oficial del equipo.

CADIMAR, el Concesionario Mercedes-Benz de la provincia de Cádiz, pone a disposición del equipo MaxiCat Victoria sus vehículos más ecológicos para su apoyo logístico en tierra.

MEL Composites proporciona materiales y conocimientos técnicos, al equipo, en lo que se refiere a composites y fibras para el MaxiCat Victoria.

LANCELIN, la firma francesa aporta su alta tecnología y capacidad de respuesta a las demandas específicas del equipo en todo lo referido a cabuyería.

DEN RAN combina la experiencia y la innovación de Lancelin con la gestión de proyectos y la puesta a punto para ofrecer a MaxiCat Victoria las mejores soluciones.

SINNER es el proveedor oficial de gafas de sol y máscaras para la tripulación del MaxiCat Victoria.